Why is Financial Planning Like Driving?

If you are someone with a desire to leave wealth for the future generations or to create wealth by helping people, and then contribute to charity to help more people - in either case you are working today so that you can live the life you want and make a real difference in the world.

With my decades of experience in helping entrepreneurs and professionals create wealth, I have seen that once entrepreneurs understand how to run their business; and professionals become a master in their area, then they become unstoppable and they continue to grow. But, many times with a focus on business and profession, entrepreneurs and professionals do not get time to focus on financial planning and understanding how to grow their wealth by making their money work for them harder.

And often, they tell me that they do not understand financial planning well enough to make their money work harder for them!!

So I figured a small analogy that I want to share today to help you understand what financial planning is.

Financial planning is like driving a car!!

Have you ever seen anyone trying to drive a car by using a hit and miss approach? Probably not!!

How did you learn to drive??

Either you planned to learn driving by your interest, or your parents or family members asked you to learn driving as it is an important life skill.

Similarly financial planning is an important life skill. But may I ask you if you planned to learn financial planning at 16 or 18 or 21 (like you might have planned to learn driving). If yes, congratulations and I am sure you are making your money work harder for you now. If not, maybe this is the time you can plan to learn financial planning.

The last thing you want to rely on is a hit and miss financial planning system. But, unless you have a person to teach you financial planning, you may be forced to learn by hit and miss method.

Let’s return to our analogy of financial planning being like driving. Many people whom I have served as a wealth coach have shared with me that they have played monopoly or played stock market stimulators or some even did capstone projects in MBA where they learnt how to do financial planning. But, fake money situations and real money situations are very different from each other. Did you consider learning to drive through playing racing games or video games or virtual reality games? Probably not! Even if you did, then you did learn to drive a real vehicle sitting next to someone who can coach you during the initial periods of driving. Financial planning is something like that. You want to learn it with real money and you need a coach sitting next to you to help you navigate until you understand how the system of creating wealth works.

Similarly, when you learn to drive, you become lifelong learners of cars. As soon as you buy a new car, you learn to drive the new car. Even if it takes a few minutes to get used to the new vehicle, it includes some learning and some unlearning. Similarly when you are investing in a financial product, it requires some learning and some unlearning and you need to be a lifelong learner of financial products to ace the game of financial planning.

I wish that financial planning would become a must have skill set, which is learnt at an early age and every person masters the skill set with age by continuous learning and unlearning. Most people who struggle with wealth creation make the mistake of thinking that financial planning is not a learned skill set, but without learning the art and science of financial planning, you will just keep learning by hit and miss, which might be more costly in the long run, than just learning to plan finances, like we learnt to drive a car. 

If you want to know more on how it is possible using a well researched and experienced method, join my waitlist on this link 👉 HERE

 and my team will get in touch with you as soon as an opportunity.to work with me on a one to one basis arise. 


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