Your Path To A Multi-Million Dollar Retirement Can be Exhausting or Effortless: Which one will you choose?

Some people can classify a multi million dollar retirement as exhausting and others can classify it as effortless. When it is classified as exhausting, then you try too hard, overcomplicate, overthink and overdo; but when it is classified as effortness, you find an easy path to the desired results. The purpose of this write up is to inspire you to ask yourself if creating wealth to reach your desired retirement portfolio should be exhausting or effortless for you. 


Like most people, you might want it to be effortless but you might be finding it exhausting. If you resonate with this, then here is a formula to move from exhausting efforts to effortless state. This formula is inspired by Greg Mckeown’s work. When you reach the effortless state, you might encounter the following situations: you do something once and you benefit from it multiple times; or you stop trying so hard and start getting better results. 


When you are trying to create wealth, you need to overcome various emotions and make rational decisions. Some of these emotions are difficult to overcome, especially the emotions of fear and greed in the process of making financial decisions. But if we let mathematics help us make decisions and let the emotions rest for a while, we find ourselves in an effortless state to make financial decisions. 


Furthermore, knowing that sacrifice may not be essential in the process of getting the results that we want to create provides an ease and comfortable state to make decisions. We have heard many times that it takes ‘blood, sweat and tears’ to create wealth; but what if that was just one way of creating wealth; and there is another way which does not include ‘blood, sweat and tears’. It is similar to trying to push a boat upstream in a river (requiring massive effort and getting tiny results); or pushing the boat downstream in a river (requiring tiny effort and massive results). 


The effortless path of creating wealth requires you to have conviction in yourself and the results that you can achieve. It also requires accountability and discipline of taking tiny actions that give compounding results over time. In order to provide this accountability and instill the discipline of creating wealth, we have created a community called ‘Wealthy Nation’ and inside the community I share how to make creating wealth effortless. If you are interested in knowing how to make the transition to an effortless journey, then join ‘Wealthy Nation’ at $100 per month and see the results for yourself. 

  Register here. Or if you want to schedule a call with me to discuss how I can help you grow your wealth, please email me on [email protected]


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