Episode 2 | Female Coaches Podcast Talk with Leanne Shaw

Watch the whole  video  https://youtu.be/_KLZ6Cc1w3I 
Leanne Shaw is a Leadership Consultant | Communication Trainer | Empowering Teams and Individuals to Think Better, Feel Better and BE Better.

She is passionate about helping people to develop their confidence and self belief to be able to reach their true potential and fulfil their ambitions.

Leanne has a background in teaching and training, and has been working as a coach for the past few years. She has a wealth of experience working with individuals and teams to help them to become more successful, productive and fulfilled in their personal and professional lives.

Leanne believes that everyone can benefit from coaching and that it is a great way to get to the heart of an issue and to help people to identify and work towards their goals. She is a strong advocate of the power of communication and has helped many people to improve their communication skills and to become more effective communicators. In this...

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Episode 1 | Female Coaches Podcast Talk with Teena Ryan

The first episode of Female Coaches Podcast Talk is now available! Our First guest is none other than Teena Ryan. She is Intuition Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author. During this podcast, Teena shares her story and journey to becoming a successful coach, how she uses intuition in her coaching practice, and how she helps her clients raise their confidence and become the best version of themselves. 

Teena specializes in turning energy-sapping relationships into juicy, joyful experiences that light you up and fill your cup so you can live your most audacious life. This podcast is full of amazing insights and advice from Teena and is a great resource for any aspiring coach. I'm so grateful to have Teena on the podcast and I'm sure you'll find her stories and advice incredibly helpful.

Thanks again for tuning in and be sure to join us next week where we'll be speaking with another amazing female coach. Until then, have a great day!

See the links below to Teena Ryan

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Saving little amounts of cash is good, but focusing on making huge savings is better.

By saving money, you can avoid the uncertainties of life and have the means to live a good life. By disciplinedly saving money, you can avoid many of life's bumps and barriers. However, gradually saving money is not a good idea. Always keep in mind that if your goal is big, you should also concentrate on how to save big because doing so will help you reach your objective as quickly as possible.
Saving money is necessary, but let's strive to find a way to do it while also saving you time. The saying "Work smarter, not harder" is similar. This also applies to saving money, since we do so in order to either retire early from our various professions or save time.

The question that arises now is how you may possibly save a ton of money while also saving a ton of time?  the answer is Invest for yourself first. 

Self-education has to be given top importance. Your greatest advantage in reaching all of your life goals is knowledge. This will enable you to generate a ton of ideas for...

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The top 5 traits to recognize financial abuse in your relationship

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2024
Both men and women are equally the victim of financial abuse in the context of family violence. It is more evident among professional couples with high income.
I see this all the time with my clients, there are warning signs to recognize financial abuse in any relationship but often people are in so much pain
and ashamed of being a victim that they rather to live in denial.
Below are the the top 5 traits to recognize financial abuse:
  1. Forced career choice
  2. Not allowing partner to open a personal bank account
  3. Record of every money spent disguised as budget monitoring
  4. Purchasing assets in one name only
  5. Sending money overseas for retirement planning


1 - Forced Career choice
Women are the typical victim of this abuse as their professional life gets pushed aside by becoming a mother and often it is an added extra pressure to get a more flexible job which will allows her to take a time off to look after her child, for example a...
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Pathways to Financial Freedom: A Comprehensive Guide

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2024

“Financial Freedom Is Not A Myth .” - Helia Singh



Achieving financial freedom is a goal that resonates with people around the world. The ability to make informed financial decisions, invest wisely, and create a secure future is a journey that requires knowledge and commitment. In this article, we will walk you through a series of modules designed to provide you with the tools and insights you need to embark on your path to financial freedom.

With that said, here are 5 steps to start your journey to financial freedom today!

Step 1: Building Financial Awareness:

Before you can achieve financial freedom, it's crucial to build a strong foundation of financial awareness. This module helps you understand the basics of personal finance and lays the groundwork for your journey ahead. You'll learn how to set financial goals, create a budget, and track your expenses. Additionally, you'll explore the world of credit scores and reports, empowering you to...

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Different Female coaches in Australia

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2023

Introducing Female Coaches Podcast Talk hosted by Helia Singh.

As part of the Celebration of WOMEN'S DAY . We introduce you our latest Podcast series, The Female Coaches podcast Talk with Helia Singh. It is a weekly podcast that offers in-depth conversations with female coaches from around the world. Each week, Helia interviews a different coach and discusses their unique journey and the strategies they use to help their clients find success. The podcast also covers topics such as work-life balance, career advice, developing a successful coaching practice, and much more.

The Female Coaches podcast Talk with Helia Singh is perfect for anyone looking for valuable advice and guidance from successful female coaches. This podcast's host is none other than Helia Singh. She is an experienced professional wealth coach, businesswoman, and mentor who has made it her life's work to assist people in resolving their financial issues and realizing their full potential.

Through her podcast, she...

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Protecting Your Assets

The best way to protect our assets is to invest in ourselves. If we underinvest in ourselves, then we damage the tool that we need to protect our assets - i.e. our body, mind and spirit. When we protect ourselves, we become capable of protecting our assets. Most times, creators of wealth burn out too soon and then lose the capability of multiplying the wealth that they have created. If you protect yourself from burnout, you protect your assets. 


We have a big influence on people around us and therefore the community that we live in shapes our beliefs to a large extent. If we have a community of people who invest in themselves first, we get motivated to invest in ourselves first. Similarly, if we have a community of people who are working towards growing their wealth and making their money work harder for them; then we get inspired to do the same. 


The importance of community in protecting one’s assets and multiplying one’s wealth cannot be...

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The Wealth Effect: How to create a multimillion dollar retirement when you already have a million dollar net worth.

When you have already created a million dollar net worth, you have come a long way to create a multi million dollar retirement. You have already demonstrated that you have the skills to create wealth. Now is the time to learn the skills to multiply wealth. In many cases, this skill set to multiply wealth needs three main steps. 


Firstly, it needs you to make your work harder for you, than you working harder for money. This means, your money needs to be invested at the right places and at the right time. Knowing that there is no perfect strategy to time the market, it all comes down to thinking long term and putting your money in a diversified asset basket. 


Secondly, it requires you to become less emotional about money over time. As we generate wealth and have kept enough funds aside as emergency funds for the near future, we can become less emotional about money matters and make more rational decisions around money. It requires us to bet more on mathematics...

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Your Path To A Multi-Million Dollar Retirement Can be Exhausting or Effortless: Which one will you choose?

Some people can classify a multi million dollar retirement as exhausting and others can classify it as effortless. When it is classified as exhausting, then you try too hard, overcomplicate, overthink and overdo; but when it is classified as effortness, you find an easy path to the desired results. The purpose of this write up is to inspire you to ask yourself if creating wealth to reach your desired retirement portfolio should be exhausting or effortless for you. 


Like most people, you might want it to be effortless but you might be finding it exhausting. If you resonate with this, then here is a formula to move from exhausting efforts to effortless state. This formula is inspired by Greg Mckeown’s work. When you reach the effortless state, you might encounter the following situations: you do something once and you benefit from it multiple times; or you stop trying so hard and start getting better results. 


When you are trying to create wealth, you...

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Grow your wealth for generations to come

There are 9  parameters to address to create wealth for generations to come. These include Goal Alignment, Tax Strategies, Asset and Investment allocation, Retirement Planning, Philanthropy, Estate Planning, Real Estate Strategies, Tuition Planning and Life Insurance. It can be overwhelming for individuals, especially busy professionals and entrepreneurs to streamline all these 9 parameters by themselves and that’s why it is advisable to hire wealth coaches to help you in all these 9 domains. 


In order to create wealth for generations, it is imperative to not only have the growth mindset but also train your next generation with the mindset to grow wealth. It becomes equally important to understand the mindset of the next generation and their thoughts on the new age investment opportunities like alternative investment portfolio or crypto. This generation of investors have seen more ups and downs as compared to many previous generations, and hence there have...

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