Double your retirement portfolio


How to double your retirement portfolio? 

A midlife crisis is a transition of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle-aged individuals, typically 45 to 65 years old. One of the most important aspects that you start to give more attention to during the middle aged years is your ‘retirement portfolio’. With growing life span and more arenas to spend on, we have to be more mindful of our retirement expenses and hence we need to focus on growing our retirement portfolio during the middle aged years. 


There are three main areas on which we can work to increase our retirement portfolio with the intention of doubling it. These areas are: understanding short term and long term taxation, understanding when and how to switch the asset classes in the asset portfolio and lastly, how to modify our financial behaviour to favour growth of the retirement portfolio. 


Consistent with investment

We have all heard about the idea of being...

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Test Blog

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2022

 Pay yourself first


" The secret to wealth is to pay yourself first. " - Helia Singh

 Paying yourself first is one of the pillars of personal finance and considered the golden rule by financial planners. Also, Paying yourself first means paying your for your own education.
This golden rule is what can set you apart from people who have to scrape by every month. All it takes is a little dedication and a lot of discipline. 

Get the Financial Courses for FREE  HERE

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helia singh | blog | Mar 30, 2022





Hi, I'm Helia Singh, an award-winning 7-figures femaleprenuer, I am a trusted wealth Coach and Financial Adviser. I help people to create a healthy relationship with money and reach financial independence & freedom following their value based financial plan back by my system. This exact system is responsible for making my clients happy millionaires.

This article will provide you quotes I made with new ideas and motivation to keep saving, working, and striving for the achievement you desire.

Poor Financial Mindset

" No amount of money can fix poor financial mindset " - Helia Singh

Money will not be able to heal a poor financial mindset until you utilize it to educate yourself in financial literacy and discover new magical things you can do with your money.

That is why EDUCATION in any forms can make us grow and grow as long as we don't stop learning.‍
 Enroll now or call +61 1300 603 609

Magic Happens

" Discover the things you love to do,...

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business plan Dec 31, 2019

Currently, there are two types of business visas to Australia that we will examine their differences:

Visa 188A: Innovation in business and investment (temporary visa):

1. Business innovation
2. Investment business (minimum investment amount 1.5 million dollars)
3. Significant investment business (minimum investment amount of 5 million dollars)
4. High investment business (minimum investment amount of 15 million dollars)
5. Entrepreneur

Visa 132A: talent in business and trade (permanent visa):

1. Business with a remarkable history
2. Entrepreneurial business with bold financial support from Australia (at least one million dollars)

This condition is for people under the age of 55 and they must create full-time jobs for two people.

If you are over 55 years of age, you must invest 50% more and also create 4 full-time jobs in Australia.

* They should also buy their own property here.

* This amount varies in Australian states, for example:

Victoria (Melbourne): You need at least $3 million


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Uncategorized Nov 26, 2019
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